What You May Not Know About the Vaccine
You can naturally negate the vax (reverse an adverse reaction) by eliminating spike proteins using therapeutic essential oils or teas after being exposed to vaccine shedding.

Prions and Disease
The term “spike protein“ is a corporate rebranding of prion protein. The rebranding is an attempt to obscure what, as many of us know, is extremely dangerous to the human body. In order to limit the effectiveness of this attack, we need strategies to break up these proteins and render them safe. Developing and manufacturing enzymes is unlikely because of time constraints.Sharry Edwards' work on audio frequencies is promising. It is in development. It appeals to all who are striving for natural health sovereignty.
There is one readily available option that is non-invasive and very effective. Plant resonant frequencies (essential oils) are available in many forms. The sheer variety of plants and number of potential frequencies gives us the possibility to choose the correct healing frequency.
Understanding this information provides us with a direct path to vibrant health sovereignty and dominion over our own body.
An Effective and Practical Remedy
Try therapeutic essential oils as a treatment against vaccine shedding. What do you have to lose? The symptoms of having been exposed to vaccine shedding are flu-like symptoms, pain, nausea, nose bleeds, disorientation, dizziness, and (for women) abnormal menstrual bleeding.- If you don't know which vaccine you were exposed to, try a four-way essential oil (these oils contain all four frequencies). Rub between your wrists at bedtime for three consecutive days as a remedy, then every other day as prevention; or use fresh lemon juice daily, or one cup of Lemon Verbena tea or peppermint/anise tea per day for at least seven days (possibly long-term) to eliminate and prevent side effects. The four-way essential oils are Ravensara, Patchouli, Niaouli, Pine, Laurel, Cypress or Jasmine. If there's a chance you have a fungal infection, use only Jasmine essential oil or one of the herbal tea remedies. This is effective against the vaccines of all four manufacturers.
- If you know which vaccine you were exposed to, try one drop of the therapeutic essential oil specified in the table below (rub between your wrists) at bedtime for two consecutive days as a remedy.
which manufacturer | which essential oil |
Astra Zeneca | Sage or Oregano Oil |
Johnson & Johnson | Pine Oil |
Moderna | Frankincense or Vetiver Oil |
Pfizer | Myrrh Oil |
Any herbal tea, plus star anise, will protect from the four main vaccine proteins.
See also herbal tea reference table.
If You Have Actually Been Vaccinated
Using any of the protocols for shedding or reducing the effects will, if extended, completely eliminate the proteins. Fourteen days minimum of essential oil, preferably each night before bed. Twenty-two days, at two cups per day minimum, with herbal tea. This is sufficient to eliminate all existing proteins, but there is still a need to protect against the proteins others are carrying.For graphene elimination eat a combination of fresh cilantro and raw garlic (and any other vegetable, grated carrot and lemon juice are my favorites) on a daily basis for 25 days. You may temporarily lose some friends, but it's worth it.
Once the proteins are eliminated, your body will repair any damage in two weeks. The immune system will be completely restored in three months. To protect from illness in the meantime, use Pine, Laurel, or Ravensara: one drop on the wrists every day. Once the graphene has gone, it has gone.
Update: The above graphene elimination protocol is no longer necessary. Graphene was eliminated worldwide on August 18, 2023 by means of a series of mass meditations.
About the COVID-19 “Virus” Itself
It is very boring listening to people bleating the same narrative. Half of the population have at least an inkling of the truth, through the constantly changing contradictions in that narrative. Most are fully aware of the limitations of the supposed tests used to hype the number of cases. A few are aware that there has been no existential threat from the “C” word (COVID-19) since May 2020.Front Line Doctors have reported that there is no real evidence of new cases since May 2020 and there are indications of evidence that has existed since April 2020.
The Lancet reported an increase in cases of Kawasaki virus (syndrome) in April 2020 which followed earlier reports from Italy (where COVID-19 “arrived” in Europe). Estimates in Europe Reached 10,000 where there are normally 4 or 5 cases.
This indicates that the virus was not natural and was breaking down to genotype after just a few weeks. It indicates that the dominant RNA after breakdown caused Kawasaki and may even have been “snipped” from the virus that causes Kawasaki. It also raises other questions. How can a virus that only exists for a few weeks spread naturally around the globe over a period of months?
As far as I am aware, this “anomaly” has never been investigated.
Then there is the strange case of a virus that has never been isolated. Without a gene map (the full code of the virus) it is not possible to accurately test for that virus. It is not possible to set a TC-PCR test or compare in the lab without the gold standard of the full code. It is not possible to detect a variant if you don’t have the original. Through techno-conjecture (computer modelling) and politically expedient myth creation, we arrive where we are today, completely drained of any interest in the “C” word narrative.
The Virus We Know
Normally we suffer a virus for a few days or a few weeks and eventually recover. It is the usual encounter with an influenza virus. All virus behaves differently in the human body. As an example, Herpes simplex is quite well known and can be contracted through any bodily fluid. Epstein Barr (also a Herpes virus, E. B.), on the other hand, can only usually be contracted through blood contact. Once in a body, the action of both Herpes viruses is similar but E.B. prefers to colonise one of the organs, so we need only imagine what Herpes simplex does to the lips and the similar action of E.B, in say, the liver or the spleen. That obvious physical damage can be repaired by a body as soon as the virus is eliminated, in the same way we recover from influenza or a lip recovers from simplex blisters.The Damage Is So Miniscule It Is Largely Ignored
All virus in propagation creates a by-product of a single protein. We have no corresponding enzymes to break these proteins (as we do for many of the proteins we eat) therefore the body has only one course of action, transportation to the liver and elimination through the colon with bile. The problem arises from the nature of the protein. They are smaller than the tiniest speck of dust but they are very sticky. I liken them to a soft cheese. A small percentage of those proteins can collect in the liver or the gall bladder and an even smaller percentage can attach to blood cells.Some viruses can survive undetected in the body for years, or even decades, awaiting an opportunity to increase in number. That opportunity is when the host becomes weak for some reason. That is why Herpes simplex gets the name “cold sore” as another virus or bacteria (a cold) creates stress on our ability to combat or control invaders and is unable to keep the more permanent unwanted guests in check.
Protein coagulation in the liver is often mis-diagnosed as a tumor and, in the gall-bladder, becomes gall stones. Proteins become stones in the same way a piece of brie lost at the back of the fridge becomes solid. Attached to a blood cell, the proteins can be transported to any part of the circulatory system and clog anywhere, cause clotting and degenerative heart problems. A very, very small percentage can attach to blood cells and travel to the brain. In the brain, they are not an active threat, but the presence of a foreign protein throws brain chemistry out of balance.
Of course, cholesterol has no part in clogging or clotting, and if we do not eat it our bodies have to produce it. Statins are worthless like many of pharma’s products.
To clear viral proteins from the body, drink one cup of Moringa tea per day for two weeks.
Dementia and Alzheimer's
These two disease names are conjoined because the same viruses can lead to either outcome.The liver is close to the colon and the majority of sticky proteins can be easily flushed. Whatever the virus in the liver, the resulting sticky proteins have a good chance of being pushed out of the body.
A viral infection in the spleen is very different. The physical symptoms are sporadic and global pains, Arthritis, and swelling. As the virus is in the lymphatic system, the process of elimination becomes more complicated as the protein has to be transported to the liver. This creates clogging in the lymphatic system, and a greater opportunity for protein to attach to blood cells.
The reason that Alzheimer's is more rapid in its onset is simply because of where in the body the virus resides, in the spleen.
Manufactured Sticky Prion Proteins
The spike proteins are artificial sticky proteins (prions) and, as such, can cause all the same problems; but they are produced far more rapidly by our own body. They are not vaccinations. They will not protect you.How can any sane scientist not understand the danger of such an intervention in the human system? There is no credible defense.
The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research published this report, suggesting that this “vaccine” may be worse than the disease it is meant to prevent.
There is no doubt what these proteins are. There is no doubt that mRNA production of these proteins will shorten your life.
There is no pandemic. There is no virus. There are no variants. So if the reverse of that is our starting point then whatever treatment we use it is only going to be partially effective.The “variants” are not virus, they are spike (prion) proteins designed to self replicate in the human body. Prions clog the body and will, depending on the physical condition of the body concerned, over time, lead to organ failure, thrombosis, and dementia. You can obtain the proteins without a vax (vaccine fallout/shedding).
To protect yourself from the proteins, one cup of herbal tea plus fennel or star anise every day is simple and inexpensive. Fennel is free in the countryside right now. Whether you have faith in what I say, or not, what do you have to lose? Make sure everyone you know is aware of this as the more people there are following this advice the safer we all become.
You can naturally negate the vax (reverse an adverse reaction) by eliminating spike proteins using therapeutic essential oils or teas after being exposed to vaccine shedding.