How Frequency Healing via Essential Oil Therapy Works
Healing is a daily occurrence. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are at any time, very close to various pathogens. That is a fact of nature. That we manage to avoid being permanently affected by those pathogens is a multi-layered story which we call our immunity.What is not common knowledge, at least not in the last few generations, is that much of our immunity is derived from what we eat. Awareness of the need for vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids is universal and already informs us that a varied diet is essential.
What is less well-known is that bacteria phage are viruses that propagate in specific bacteria. They are harmless to plants, in fact, some plants harbor phage to protect themselves from bacteria (notably Aloe Vera), and they are harmless to humans.
Every time we eat raw fruit and vegetables, we ingest phage, which will only stay in the body long enough to seek out and destroy bacteria, creating more phage.
Even less well known is the benefit of a plant's aromatic oils used as therapeutic essential oil. The aroma and flavor of the plants we eat inform what we choose to eat. Aromatic oils are the intrinsic immune system of plants. The number and type of aromatic oils are dependent on whatever oils that particular plant has developed to protect itself.
Short lived plants have only two to eight aromatic oils, which are mostly to protect them from fungal infection. Perennial plants, shrubs, and trees can have a hundred or more aromatic oils.
Fungus Must Be Removed Slowly
Because fungus must be removed slowly, it is therefore safer to use herbal teas than essential oils, for essential oil therapy is more potent. If you have a fungal infection, I have included a list of recommended herbal teas.It is better to use fresh or dried teas, although some of the tea bag varieties are of good enough quality. All herbal teas will eliminate fungus, at least the three most common. For athlete's foot, drink dandelion tea. (Dandelion tea is the best.)
There are therapeutic essential oils that contain no fungal frequency equivalents, such as Cedar and Spruce. Both of these have a comprehensive list of viral frequencies that cover the majority of viruses that affect humans, so if you suspect you have a fungal infection, these are recommended.
Frequency Healing
From physics, we know that everything in the universe has a resonant frequency. That frequency denotes its form, color, and aroma. Each aromatic oil, therefore, is a different frequency (and can be distilled into therapeutic essential oil). Plants develop oils in the frequency range of pathogens. That is why plants thrive all around us despite the fact that they live in the same environment as we do.But they also have the environment of the earth to counter. This is the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle of natural healing. A carrot contains aromatic oils with a frequency equivalent to Tinea Versicolor, Tinea Capita, Candida Albicans, Tinea Corporis (all fungal infections); Escherichia Coli, and Campylobacter (bacteria). Cabbage has 80 different healing frequencies which is why it is used in cleansing diets and has always been known as a cure for many things, including typhoid.
Plants that live for one short season create just a few aromatic oils, as they only need protect themselves from fungus and maybe bacteria. Perennials, shrubs, and trees can develop one hundred or more aromatic oils. Each oil has a specific frequency. Each frequency is equivalent to the resonant frequency of a pathogen. Aromatic oils are the main immune system of plants.
Whether by intuition or some ancient lost knowledge, therapeutic essential oils (the distillation of aromatic oils) have been used for many thousands of years to restore health of human beings as well. They are to be found in ancient Indian and Greek texts, and even the Bible. Essential oil therapy can be very effective.
Essential oils of Frankincense and Myrrh are an excellent gift for young mother as they will protect a child from common infections and Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
Sage, Salvia Officialise, the Latin name derived from the same root as salvation, has been the apothecary staple for thousands of years. The list may surprise you. Its essential oil contains the equivalent frequencies of all the six fungi that affect humans; bacteria frequencies of Campylobacter, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus (the three most common bacteria); and the virus equivalents of Herpes Varicella Zoster and Simplex, Orf virus, HPV1 (wart virus), insect-borne fever like Tick Fever and West Nile virus, Influenza B, Polyoma virus, Guillain Barré, Epstein Barr, Coxsackie virus, Corona A, and Haemorrhagic Fever.
Update: Orf virus, Tick Fever, and Guillain Barré were eliminated worldwide, so are no longer a concern. See “mass meditations” for details.
This is just one of the many, common, simple herb lists. Tree lists are more complex and comprehensive. (See reference tables.)
Choose natural frequency therapy as your effective natural remedy.